Thursday, October 31, 2019
Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Positioning Research Paper
Company Introduction, Market Segmentation, and Product Positioning - Research Paper Example Express Vending LLC is a privately-held company in Florida that has a head office and a small warehouse in the area of North Miami Beach in Florida. There are four investors of the company i.e. Jessica Smith, Jones Patrick, Margaret Florence and Michelle Dââ¬â¢Souza. Jessica Smith and Jones Patrick are the co-founders who have both an experience in the vending machine industry and have the expertise in running an entrepreneurial business. Margaret Florence has proficiency in the financial industry as she has worked for two well-known financial institutions in the last ten years and Michelle Dââ¬â¢Souza will bring her marketing, operational and management skills to the company for ensuring that the business operations are smooth and effective. Once Express Vending LLC is successful in its local market, it will expand into the European market as it is vast and has a lot of opportunities for growth. Currently, the European market has a limited number of companies who are offering their customers reasonably priced machines and equipment for their restaurants; hence, the company will target those customers who are looking for innovative and top quality vending machines and equipment for the food and beverage at prices that are affordable by them. ââ¬Å"The mission of Express Vending LLC is to be the dominant company in both the vending machine and the restaurant equipment industries by providing easy access to a wide range of unique, high quality and innovative products at reasonable prices. We believe that we will be successful in meeting the needs of our customers by developing close contacts with them so that we have cordial relations with them. Express Vending LLC will earn adequate stream of profits from its operations so that stability can be sustained and even finance the future growth avenues. We will ensure that all our business operations are conducted in an ethical
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Mangment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Mangment - Essay Example Managers find it difficult to budget the money for pay increase of the employees. They also know that employees would be demotivated to know that their hard work would not be rewarded with pay increase or addition of privileges and perks. I think that the greatest challenge for a manager in performance management is to track down and record employeesââ¬â¢ performance throughout the year or interval. Some wrong areas that managers focus on while managing performance include long gaps between performance appraisals, highlighting only the deficiencies of employees with no mention of their good points, establish performance as the only criterion for pay increase. Managers are also misled in their decisions by the power and age of an employee. I think about managing performance annually, but believe that this should be conducted much more often, like monthly. The biggest concern is to be able to justify the decisions without demotivating the employees. This is a concern for me because I am poor at collecting daily records of performance. Most important skill in performance management, for me, is accordingly to be able to keep track of employees performance because this is tedious work and seems so unrelated to the organizational tasks at
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Communication and Relationship Building In Patient Care
Communication and Relationship Building In Patient Care Communication and relationship building are two concepts which enables health and social care practitioners to deliver a service/care that is person centred. Ferguson et al. (2013) defines patient centred care as care that focuses directly on the patientââ¬â¢s needs. This requires healthcare practitioners, such as nurses and doctors, not only to be able to communicate well with patients but also to build good, strong relationships with them over a period of time if necessary so that they can counsel patients effectively (Reynolds, 2009). In child nursing, family-centred care is used as well as patient centred care, as parents or carers will be the ones to make the decisions about their child unless the child is capable of doing this themselves. Even so, in this situation the needs of the child still have to be met (Young et al., 2006). Fegran (2008) suggests that family-centred care, which is care focused on the patient and their family holistically, has been found to be the best approach in neonatal and paediatric clients. Communication and relationship building are vital to ensure that the client receives the correct possible outcome for their needs. Communication is a necessary fundamental value of patient centred care (Bensing et al., 2000). Department of Health (2010) define communication as an exchange between two or more people to pass on information, thoughts or feelings and suggest that there are two ways in which this can be done; verbally (e.g. speech, written word) and non-verbally (e.g. facial expressions and body language). The study of the origins of ââ¬Ëcommunicatioââ¬â¢ are sharing or distributing (Mackay, 1999). Blom-Cooper et al. (1996) found that in the past, communication skills have been seen to be a weakness of the NHS and have often resulted in malpractice claims such as miscommunication of confidential patientsââ¬â¢ details which can have serious consequences. Hence, Moss (2008, p.1) states that Communication skills are therefore at the very heart of people work. Non-verbal and verbal communication together increase the personsââ¬â¢ understanding of the message being conveyed by five times the amount compared with verbal communication alone (Argyle, 1992). Non-verbal communication relies on interactions such as facial expressions and body language. Touch is also a type of nonverbal communication and can be used to express care, empathy and solace (Reynolds, 2002). On a recent placement at a neonatal unit, positive touch and massage was found to be a great comfort for certain individuals and staff encouraged parents/carers to use this technique if the baby was too ill to handle. Positive touch and massage have a calming influence over the infant and help to build up a relationship between the child and the parent (Bond, 2013). Therefore on future assessed placements, positive touch will be used and encouraged with others as it proved an excellent general technique found to help calm infants and aid parents/carers bond with their child. Verb al communication relies on the content of speech but can also be in various written forms such as emails and text messages. (Hargie, 2011). Verbal communication can be used on placements to speak to other staff, parents and patients. From experience and Cockcroft (2012), writing care plans and daily evaluations for the next staff member who looks after the child is essential as they can see any changes made, any issues had and any messages that need conveying. Sensory impairments such as deafness, blindness or multi-sensory impairments (MSI) must be taken into consideration, as the persons ability to communicate and receive and understand crucial information is severely strained. (Sense [no date]) It should also be understood that if someone has MSI, then other senses are likely to be impaired so problems may occur with spacial awareness, balance and over/under sensitive touch. These problems can cause difficulties with non-verbal communication methods. Individualised care is pivotal as every patient will have preferences as to how they will communicate with others. Sense [no date] discuss that relationship building may take slightly longer with a person with a sensory impairment as they may not be able to pick up on verbal or non-verbal communication used by practitioners, for example a blind person will not be able to pick up facial expressions used and a deaf person will not be able to pick up changes in the tone of voice used. When vis iting a hospital environment, parents/carers should be encouraged to continue the childs communication system and routine as much as possible, as this will help to reduce stress and the childs fear levels. Sense [no date] realise that it is important that the hospital staff understand how the child usually communicates e.g. sign language, gestures or technical aids. On my last placement I observed that it only takes a short amount of time for parents to get to know their infants behaviours, likes and dislikes and requirements. Therefore, on my next assessed placement, I will be able to quickly recognise non-verbal indicators of the infants needs such as crying and facial expressions. A practitioner needs to have good communication skills so that they can take the background of the patient and be able to explain and give information correctly, explore the patients current situation, discuss and negotiate options such as treatment plans, convey precise data to associates and present their co-workers with the patients case. (Xie et al. 2013) All these factors are essential in the communication between colleagues and between different departments to ensure the correct information is exchanged. An example of this from my previous placement is during handover on the ward, where at the end of the shift the next nurse takes over patients that you have cared for. The nurse needs to know everything about the patient such as the previous history of the patient, any medication given or any changes to medication and any serious problems such as apnoeas. If this does not occur then problems will arise when taking care of the patient. Paediatric nurses also need to be able to a pply different communication skills depending on the age of the patient.This was observed during a recent placement on a neonatal ward where staff had to promote and actively engage in communication with parents, as it isnt possible for the patients themselves to understand what the staff need to tell them. This is an approach that is likely to continue continue throughout most of the career of a child nurse, unless the patient is able to understand the message being conveyed. In this case, the type of communication used will need to be changed to engage the patient in the conversation and the planning of treatment if applicable. In relation to practice, a healthcare practitioner should be reminded that not everybody wants what I would want in a healthcare situation (Allen and Brock, 2000, p.48). This is a good first step for assessing how to approach an individual as it allows them to consider what the patient may want, but also about how the patient may communicate. Bensing et al. (2000) found that this type of approach allows focus on the patientââ¬â¢s personality and preferences, instead of just general approach to communication. Allen and Brock (2000) suggest that if the first step works, then the second step would be to keep communicating and working with the patient in the same way if not then other action is required. Allen and Brock (2000) discuss four questions that should be asked in this instance: Is this person an extrovert or an introvert? Is this person focusing on the bigger picture or just specifics? Is this a person analysing using logical implication or the impact on people? Is this per son interested only in the closure or the processing of the situation? These questions will help the healthcare practitioner decide how best to communicate with their client and build their relationship to gain a strong bond. This helps to support a service as the clients will gain confidence in that person and begin to trust them. On my last placement I considered these four questions whilst interacting with a parent on the ward and found I could communicate better with them as I knew how to approach them. In the future these questions will be asked by myself everytime I work with a client. This means I will be able to build up a good, strong, trusting relationship with the clients and this way we can aim to reach the goal we want to achieve much more efficiently. The outcomes of the four questions discussed by Allen and Brock (2000) can also be applied to relationships between people working as part of a team. The questions show that there are different personalities within each t eam of practitioners and people will react differently in different situations. On my last placement a crash call was sent to my mentor and we had to attend immediately. As this was a new experience I tried to remain calm as becoming fraught would not help the situation but afterwards I found myself a little shook up as I realised that the crash call could not have gone as well as it had done. A popular American model for teaching and assessing communication skills is the SEGUE framework. SEGUE is an acronym for Set the stage, Elicit information, Give information, Understand the patientââ¬â¢s perspective, End the encounter (Makoul, 2001, p.23). This can be used by an individual to figure out the best type of communication to use, and how they can apply it to the situation. It also allows reflection and possibly improvement on interactions with patients. Morehouse School of Medicine (2013) describe the actions that take place during the five stages. The first stage would be greeting the patient, establishing the reason for their visit and finding out what the patient knows about their condition. The second stage would be to find out what the patient would like to know about their condition and any problems they may be having. The third stage would be to give them the information they require in a simplified, direct way. The fourth stage would be to acknowledge any change s the patient may have e.g. challenges they face. The fifth stage would be to end the encounter and review the treatment plan if necessary. Gantert et al. (2008) defines relationship building as a relationship that evolves over time by the use of interactions. A nurse-client relationship is constructed to meet the needs of the client and it is imperative that the formed relationship remains professional (CRNBC, 2006). A nurses ability to build good relationships with patients, parents/carers and other healthcare practitioners is vital because the needs of the patient will be met and so it is highly likely that the patient could experience better health (Nursing Times, 2009). McNaughton (2005) suggests that relationships are established by interactions between individuals and through this, trust is built and confidence in the other person is created. This enhances a groups ability to respect each other and work well together to reach a target (Amnis, [no date]). McNaughton (2005) found that collaborative problem solving can only occur when trust is present between the nurse and the client, as only then will the client dis close any anxieties they may have. Amnis [no date] recognise that relationship building is of great importance in healthcare because it allows different groups of people to collaborate so that services provided are of the highest standard. Amnis [no date] also suggest that ongoing relationship building is essential due to extra stresses on the healthcare system, such as budget cuts leading to less staff being employed and an increasing demand on the use of the system. Good relationships are needed within the team as it makes them work more effectively together and this is achieved via good communication skills. A previous neonatal placement taught students that the stronger the bond with the babys parents, the easier it was to influence and support them with any decision making. Fegran (2008) found that whilst it is important for the nurse to have a good relationship with the parents, it is essential to encourage a relationship between the parents and baby. This was demonstrated on placement by regular visits from parents and them completing cares for the child, for example changing their nappy and bathing them. Allen and Brock (2000) suggest that if a patient has a similar personality type and share the same behaviours as the practitioner, then the response will be more positive and the client will be more persuasive and easier to talk to. This has also been found to affect patient adherence to treatment (Stewart et al., 1999). This is not always applicable to every situation as not everyone has the same interests, and parents make vital decisions on behalf of their child. However, by healthcare practitioners speaking to parents and relatives and trying to find a common interest, they may feel more involved and much more likely to admit if they have a concern. This can be applied to any future placements as once parents and relatives establish a relationship with you, through the use of communcation, they may feel your advice is more trustworthy and adhere to it. Reeder (1972) states until recently, patients were seen as clients, often leaving important decisions in the hands of the practitioner, and health providers seen as practitioners. However patients are now seen as consumers, and this has given them more power as they expect to be able to voice their opinions, be guided and tell the health provider what they require. Practitioners are now seen as health providers and are able to discuss options and build up a strong relationship with the consumer (Reeder, 1972). However, some patients want practitioners to be mainly responsible for the decisions of their treatment but feel involved in the process at the same time, as the patients feel able to trust the decisions of the professional more than their own. In this situation the practitioner needs to be able to individualise their patient and try and put forth the right decision for that individual, which may result in the same illnesses being treated in different ways. It it vitally import ant that the consumer is able to communicate and trust the healthcare provider (Mendick et al., 2010). From previous experience I feel this as a patient myself because if I didnt trust my consultant then I would not have agreed to a complex operation which could have had serious implications on my life had it have gone wrong. In terms of paediatric nursing, it is important to discuss options with the clients parent/carer as they are the ones to make the ultimate decisions, after a relationship has been established. Consequently, on my next placement I will communicate well using both verbal and non-verbal skills and use not only patient-centred care, but family-centred care. Good relationships between the patient and the practitioner are key to patient centred care, however paediatric nurses also need to work in partnership with the family as this achieves the best outcome for the child. This was found during my first work placement as by working with one of the babys fathers, the baby was able to go home earlier than expected. The father learnt how to change a nasogastric tube so that he would be able to to do it at home as well as feeding the baby via the tube. A study found that instead of just focusing on the medical problem the child may have, building a relationship and supporting a family whilst helping to sort out the medical problem at the same time is essential for a child nurse. This approach is more individualised care as opposed to using general medical nursing skills (Robinson, 1982). This was observed on a previous placement as all staff focused primarily on the childs medical problem but also on building a relationship with the family by keeping them up to date on their childs condition, communicating with the family during visits and including them in the childs daily routine so that they feel included. In conclusion communication and relationship building is essential for efficient patient centred care.
Friday, October 25, 2019
James Joyces Dubliners - Anger and Misery in Counterparts Essay exampl
Dubliners - Anger and Misery in Counterparts If one story in Dubliners can be singled out for its overly disturbing qualities, then "Counterparts" would be it. In this story the reader witnesses the misery that people in Dublin pass on to each other and through generations. Joyce introduces us to a character that at first is mildly amusing. Farrington is a working-class man that, like so many others, has to put up with verbal abuse from his boss. At first it is comical to watch him outline his speech he will give to his friends about how he wittily insulted his boss. However, we soon learn that he is a very angry man with rage dangerously building up with no acceptable outlet. Where the anger stems from is very important. As we learn he has no power, no sense of true self. He is mentally paralyzed, one symbolic man, representing Dublin for Joyce. And the inherent danger for this paralysis is demonstrated at the shocking and terribly disturbing ending. First though we see the rage that he built up during his day. Though not shown, undoubtedly this rage has been building in him over years. "A spasm of rage gripped his throat for a few moments and then passed, leaving after it a sharp sensation of thirst" (Joyce 87). It is rather obvious what it leaves him thirsty for. Despite (or rather because) of the urgency to finish his work he sneaks out of the office for a drink. This business of leaving to drink is not in response to stress, we learn it is a compulsive habit. When returning to the office Farrington is asked where he was. He does not answer, but the questioning clerk does for him "'I know that game, he said. Five times in one day is a little bit...'" ( Joyce 89). Exacerbating the idea of a powerless man is the iron... ...o each other. Farrington and Mr. Alleyne are physical opposites, yet they complete the picture of a paralyzed, dysfunctional Dublin. Mr. Alleyne can not treat Farrington as another human being, Farrington is a machine, a means to production. Farrington can not get any power over Mr. Alleyne despite his physical advantage. His counterpart, his complement is to drink and beat his frustrations out of himself using his son. His unfortunate son is the counterpart to his father's anger. A perverse release necessary if Farrington is to have a semblance of sanity. Works Cited and Consulted Joyce, James. Dubliners. Penguin Books: New York, 1975. Tindall, William York. A Reader's Guide to James Joyce. Noonday Press: New York, 1959. Walzl, Florence L. "Dubliners." A Companion Study to James Joyce. Ed. Zack Bowen and James F. Carens. Greenwood Press: London, 1984
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Online Games Essay
As time passes by, technology continues to evolve. Because of technology, new things were created that sustains and lightens human work. Computers were created because of technology. Computers were the greatest things ever invented by man itself. In the modern age, computers have become a part of manââ¬â¢s life. Computers with the aid of modern machines made almost all the things around us. From the edited books, computers made all design, special effects in movies, and televisions etc. Along with the evolution of technology, computers continue to upgrade as well until the time that computer has now become a part of manââ¬â¢s everyday life that are hooked to computers. Computers can now edit documents to your PC, play mini games, search information you need using the internet, save documents to your PC and play online games. Itââ¬â¢s like an all-in-one gadget that can do all the things you want anytime you need it. STUDY HABITS During the pre-school age, a self-study habit must be develop. Self-study habit can be defined as the ability of the learner to allot time in reviewing and reading his/her lessons. It is gradually developed as the learner grows and matures. Different learners have varied style of study habits. Some study after arriving from school, while others do it at the middle of the night. Unfortunately, developing these skills requires time, patience and effort from the parents, teacher and the learner himself. Additionally a very high level of intrinsic motivation must be present to have this. It cannot be underestimated that self-study habit is one of the foundations of educational achievements. Those who excel in school have the strict practice of study habits. Learning from school were not enough for the learners to fully learn. The learner himself must have his own time where s/he can concentrate and reflect. His self-study habits must be done in a conducive learning environment which is free from possible distractions. ABSENCES Poor Grades * At all levels of schooling, classroom absences can lead to poor grades. This is because students are not present to learn the material and generally perform poorly on tests. In higher education settings, professors often are allowed to set their own policies on how absences directly affect a studentââ¬â¢s grade.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analyse the dramatic effectiveness in Act 3, Scene 5 Essay
Looking closely at the characters and language in Romeo and Juliet, analyse the dramatic effectiveness in Act 3, Scene 5 William Shakespeare wrote ââ¬Å"Romeo and Julietâ⬠in 1954, although the basic plot can be traced back as early as the third century. In the play, Shakespeare relies heavily on the poem ââ¬Å"The Tragicall History of Romeus and Julietâ⬠by Arthur Brooke. Most of the people in the Elizabethan era were perceptive enough to concentrate on how the play was being performed and engaged themselves in the language the characters were using. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s audiences had different expectations towards his play, as many of them recognised the story already, they were settled enough to watch it providing the dramatistââ¬â¢s interpretation proved to be unique and original. I have been looking closely at Act 3, Scene 5 where Romeo and Juliet have just been secretly married. The scene opens with the two lovers having to part quickly after the Nurse informs Juliet her mother is swiftly approaching. Already a dramatic atmosphere is created, the audience is almost waiting for Romeo and Juliet to be caught out, this they know can simply not happen. Juliet is understandably tearful; Romeo is sympathetic towards her, showing he really cares for her: ââ¬Å"I will omit no opportunity That will convey my greetings, love, to theeâ⬠All this is in comparison to later scenes in the play showing Juliet solitary and unsupported. Between the two lovers, there is a great difference, Romeo appears more optimistic than Juliet who is full of fear, sensing premonitions of her next seeing Romeo dead in a tomb. Her premonitions affect the audience, making them apprehensive and tense: ââ¬Å"O God, I have an ill- divining soul! Methinks I see thee, now thou art so low As one dead in the bottom of a tomb. â⬠The audience hears these harsh, severe words and are reminded of Romeoââ¬â¢s earlier startling premonition that he would die young: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦. My mind misgives Some consequence not yet hanging in the starsâ⬠¦.. By come vile forfeit of untimely death. â⬠A chilling effect is created on those viewing the play as they start to realise and understand the significance of the two premonitions. By looking back into earlier scenes, dramatic effectiveness is created. Juliet uses language that shows how she is fearful of how her life with Romeo could easily be destroyed. She speaks to him strongly, showing a strong contrast to her soft words used previously. The strong bond that has been created between the two lovers before the audienceââ¬â¢s eyes is momentarily going to be destroyed; tension is created as an aftermath of this feeling. This tension carries on and becomes hugely greater as the news of County Parisââ¬â¢ proposal is first heard of. The audience watch, already aware of the proposal, as the news is given to an extremely shocked Juliet. They wait anxiously for Julietââ¬â¢s sake as she learns of it, and so a dramatic effectiveness is cast over them. The scene is made effective by the use of irony from Lady Capulet. As Lady Capulet refers to her ââ¬Å"joyful tidingsâ⬠and Julietââ¬â¢s response is ironically a pleased one: ââ¬Å"And joy comes well in such a needy timeâ⬠But then the audience sees the real reason of Lady Capuletââ¬â¢s announcement and the hesitation of the crucial words proves to be highly dramatic, ââ¬Å"Shall happily make thee there a joyful brideâ⬠Julietââ¬â¢s intense anger would make great drama on stage, she shows her raging reaction well: ââ¬Å"Now by Saint Peterââ¬â¢s church and Peter too He shall not make me there a joyful bride! â⬠Julietââ¬â¢s response shows exactly how she is feeling about the matter; she does not hold back at all. The audience knows the dilemma she is facing, one of bigamy, they are deeply involved and show much needed sympathy to Juliet. In the conversation that follows the cold and sharp language both Juliet and her mother used are very effective. Both sides address each other very formally, Juliet calling Lady Capulet, ââ¬Å"My Ladyâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Motherâ⬠where Lady Capulet calls Juliet ââ¬Å"girlâ⬠and ââ¬Å"childâ⬠. This doesnââ¬â¢t seem to be the language one would expect from a close knit and loving family. This could lead to the conclusion that Julietââ¬â¢s relationship is far from the relationship she has with Romeo; a loving and stable one. When Lord Capulet enters Julietââ¬â¢s room, it proves to be a significantly dramatic scene because of the violence and fury portrayed by Lord Capulet. He arrives in her room in a threatening manner; his wife shows fear warning us to expect the worst, ââ¬Å"Here comes your father. Tell him so yourself And see how he will take it at your hands. â⬠Lord Capulet does not expect Juliet to disobey him, he would simply expect grateful thanks and obedience from his daughter. He portrays himself as someone who is used to getting his own way and the way that he regards himself as royalty emphasises to his huge ego and elevated formal language,â⬠Have you delivered to our decree? â⬠He shows great enthusiasm as he enters Julietââ¬â¢s room, he seems delighted with his plan and congratulates himself on stage. Being the only man on stage, he is showing domination and the audience can see that he likes to be in control. He makes the women afraid; his centre role on stage shows this. The language that he uses is indeed very dramatic and effective. He poses questions to Juliet, being sharp and short when he does so showing how bewildered he is, and he vociferously attacks his daughter overwhelming her with numerous with numerous questions which she does not have time to answer, ââ¬Å"How? Will she none? Doth she not give us thanks? â⬠Capuletââ¬â¢s sentence construction is cleverly disjointed emphasising greatly on his anger that is building up rapidly. He shows more of an interest in finding a way to answer Julietââ¬â¢s questions and his concern is more about his cleverness than the distress of his only daughter. He uses aggressive terms to Juliet, â⬠you greensickness carrionâ⬠, â⬠young baggageâ⬠, both examples are very aggressive and devegiating.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The History of Pi Essays - Pi, Approximations Of, Free Essays
The History of Pi Essays - Pi, Approximations Of, Free Essays Pi The History of Pi A little known verse in the bible reads And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other; it was round all about, and his height was five cubits; and a line of thirty cubits did compass it about(I Kings 7, 23). This passage from the bible demonstrates the ancient nature of the irrational number pi. Pi in fact is mentioned in a number of verses throughout the bible. In II Chronicles 4,2, in the passage describing the building of the great temple of Solomon which was built around 950BC, pi is given as equal to three. This value is not very accurate at all and should not even be considered accurate for its time, however it should be noted that precision was not needed for the task that was being performed and we should let the general concept of pi that the biblical characters posses impress us. Present knowledge suggests that the concept of pi first developed in 2000 BC in two separate cultures. The Babylonians used pi at a value of 25/8 while an entirely different culture, the ancient Egyptians used pi at a value of 256/81. While the biblical calculation of pi=3 most likely came from crude measurement, there is strong reason to believe, because of the relative accuracy of the values, that the Babylonians and Egyptians found pi by means of mathematical equations. In the Egyptian Rhind Papyrus, which is dated around 1650 BC, there is strong evidence supporting that the Egyptians used 4(8/9)2 =3.16 for their value of pi. At that point in history, and for the majority of modern history, pi was not seen as an irrational number as it is today. The next culture that investigated pi was the ancient Greeks. Starting in 434 BC Greeks were unraveling the mysteries of pi. The mathematician Anaxagoras made an unsuccessful attempt at finding pi, which he called squaring the circle and in 414 BC, 20 years after Anaxagoras failed in his attempt to square the circle, Aristophanes refers to the work of Anaxagoras in his comedy The Birds. It took over 100 years for the Greeks to finally find a value for pi. In 240 BC Archimedes of Syracuse showed that 223/71*pi*22/7. Archimedes knew, what so many people today do not, that pi does not equal 22/7 and he made no claim to have discovered the exact value of pi. However if we take the average of his two bounds we obtain pi=3.1418, which was an error of about 0.0002. Archimedes found the most accurate value of pi up to that time and his value would be used exclusively until the next discovery in the world of pi. The next major finding concerning pi did not occur in the western world, but in China by Tsu Chung-chih who approximated pi at 355/113 in 480 AD. Next to nothing except for this work is known about Tsu Chung-chihs life but it is very unlikely that he had any awareness of Archimedes work. We shall now notice how during the dark ages of Europe, the lead in the research of pi is passed to the East. Aryabhata, working on his own in Persia without any outside information in 515 AD was able to approximate pi to 3 decimal places. A mathematician from Baghdad named AlKhwarizimi worked with pi however the most accurate finding of pi to date was found even more east in Samarkand by Al-Khashi. In 1430 AD he approximated pi to 16 decimal places, the most to date. His work however, would be the last of note from the east as the European Renaissance brought about a whole new mathematical world. The first notable discovery in the approximation of pi from the European Renaissance was by Viete in 1593 AD. He expressed pi as an infinite product by using only 2s and square roots. In 1610 Ludolph van Ceulen demonstrated the new thought coming out of the Renaissance by calculating pi to 35 decimal places. Around the same time, Snell refined Archimedess method of calculating pi, and Snells work was used by Grienberger to calculate pi to 39 decimal places in 1630. In 1655 Wallis showed that pi/2=2/1*2/3*4/3*4/5*6/5*6/7*8/7*8/9..... The 18th centuary brought about great
Monday, October 21, 2019
4 great work from home jobs for teachers
4 great work from home jobs for teachers When you think of the day-to-day of a teacher, you likely envision the typical role of getting to school as the sun rises and standing in front of a class all day. All those work-from-home and make your own schedule perks are for other professions- not teachers, right? Not necessarily. Maybe youââ¬â¢ve been in the classroom for years and are looking for something a little more private and one-on-one. Maybe you still love education but family or personal circumstances make it so that the flexibility of working from home is ideal for you. If so, youââ¬â¢ll be thrilled to learn that there are lots of options available. Thatââ¬â¢s right, you can leverage the skills and experience that youââ¬â¢ve gained while working in the classroom and earn some real money- either extra income on top of your teacher salary or as your primary paycheck, all according to your schedule and needs.Consider the following work from home jobs if youââ¬â¢re a teacher looking to explore ways in whic h you can earn money without having to go beyond your very own front door.TutorYouââ¬â¢re already good at teaching students in the classroom, so why not earn some money doing it outside of class? Consider adding tutoring services to your roster of available work services- you can offer tutoring sessions at your home or online and book appointments that work around your current schedule, which is a huge plus for busy folks. Also, you can focus on the subjects youââ¬â¢re already an expert in, which means no ââ¬Å"learning curveâ⬠or additional training is required- you can get started immediately. Howââ¬â¢s that for a win-win work situation?Online TeacherThis oneââ¬â¢s similar to tutoring in terms of directly leveraging what you already do inside of the classroom to earn a paycheck from the comfort of your own home. The number of institutions offering classes online- in nearly every subject imaginable- seems to grow by leaps and bounds every year, which means that th e demand for experienced and qualified educators will only continue to increase. Are you intrigued by the notion of getting paid to teach online from your home? If so, then this might be a perfect option for you.EditorWhat teacher doesnââ¬â¢t spend a significant amount of their professional time reviewing, editing, and revising their studentââ¬â¢s written work? If this sounds familiar, then why not consider making some extra money doing it from home? Editors are paid to carefully read and revise a wide array of written material, from articles and books to blog posts, marketing collateral, and more. Many editors work from their own home computers and have leverage setting their own hours and rates- you can even have control over the types of materials you chose to edit, and once you get some experience under your belt you can specialize and focus in a topic or area of your choosing. If this sounds right up your alley then this just might be the work-from-home employment option that youââ¬â¢re looking for.Blogger/WriterThese days, many of us choose to blog for the fun of it, or because weââ¬â¢re passionate about a subject- but did you know that you can get paid for doing it? Thatââ¬â¢s right, many companies hire content developers to create original blog content for their sites in an effort to generate clicks and build their audiences. You can help contribute to their efforts and get paid in the process. The range of topics that you could potentially write about is nearly limitless, and you can typically have control over the hours you work. Also, if your content starts generating lots of reader traffic, you can build some real job security and even increase your hourly rate and take-home pay.Are you looking to boost your income with work opportunities that you can do from home? If so, then consider taking advantage of the opportunities mentioned here and you might find yourself with extra money without having to overhaul your life or derail your normal schedule and routine. Good luck!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Building Sentences With Adverb Clauses (Part Two)
Building Sentences With Adverb Clauses (Part Two) As discussed in part one, adverb clauses are subordinate structures that show the relationship and relative importance of ideas in sentences. They explain such things as when, where, and why about an action stated in the main clause. Here well consider ways of arranging, punctuating, and revising sentences with adverb clauses. Arranging Adverb Clauses An adverb clause, like an ordinary adverb, can be shifted to different positions in a sentence. It may be placed at the beginning, at the end, or occasionally even in the middle of a sentence. An adverb clause commonly appears after the main clause: Jill and I waited inside the Cup-A-Cabana Diner until the rain stopped. When Gus asked Merdine for a light, she set fire to his toupee. As I shuffled humbly out the door and down the front steps, my eyes to the ground, I felt that my pants were baggy, my shoes several sizes too large, and the tears were coursing down either side of a huge putty nose.(Peter DeVries, Let Me Count the Ways) When a bus skidded into a river just outside of New Delhi, all 78 passengers drowned because they belonged to two separate castes and refused to share the same rope to climb to safety. Punctuation Tips: When an adverb clause appears at the beginning of a sentence, it is usually separated from the main clause by a comma.A comma is usually not necessary when the adverb clause follows the main clause. An adverb clause can also be placed inside a main clause, usually between the subject and verb: The best thing to do, when youve got a dead body on the kitchen floor and you dont know what to do about it, is to make yourself a good strong cup of tea.(Anthony Burgess, One Hand Clapping) Punctuation Tip: An adverb clause that interrupts a main clause, as show in the example above, is usually set off by a pair of commas. Reducing Adverb Clauses Adverb clauses, like adjective clauses, can sometimes be shortened to phrases: If your luggage is lost or destroyed, it should be replaced by the airline. If lost or destroyed, your luggage should be replaced by the airline. subject verb is Editing Tip: To cut the clutter from your writing, try reducing adverb clauses to phrases when the subject of the adverb clause is the same as the subject of the main clause. Practice in Revising Sentences with Adverb Clauses Rewrite each set below according to the instructions in parentheses. When you are done, compare your revised sentences with those on page two. Keep in mind that more than one correct response is possible. (Shift the adverb clausein boldto the beginning of the sentence, and make it the subject of the adverb clause.)The forest supports incessant warfare, most of which is hidden and silent, although the forest looks peaceful.(Shift the adverb clause to a position between the subject and verb in the main clause and set it off with a pair of commas.)While he was on maneuvers in South Carolina, Billy Pilgrim played hymns he knew from childhood.(Reduce the adverb clause to a phrase by dropping the subject and verb from the adverb clause.)While he was on maneuvers in South Carolina, Billy Pilgrim played hymns he knew from childhood.(Turn the first main clause into an adverb clause beginning with the subordinating conjunction whenever.)The sea builds a new coast, and waves of living creatures surge against it.(Make this sentence more concise by dropping the subject and the verb was from the adverb clause.)Although she was exhausted after the long drive home, Pinky insisted on going to work.(Mo ve the adverb clause to the beginning of the sentence, and make the sentence more concise by reducing the adverb clause to a phrase.)Clutching his teddy bear, the boy hid under the bed because he was frightened by the lightning and thunder. (Emphasize the contrast in this sentence by converting the first main clause into an adverb clause beginning with although.)Teachers who contend with blank or hostile minds deserve our sympathy, and those who teach without sensitivity and imagination deserve our criticism.(Omit the semicolon and convert the first two main clauses into an adverb clause beginning with after.)The storm has passed, and the flash floods dump their loads of silt into the Colorado River; water still remains in certain places on rimrock, canyon beach, and mesa top. When you are done, compare your revised sentences with those on page two. NEXT:Building Sentences with Adverb Clauses (part three) Here are sample answers to the exercise on page one: Revising Sentences with Adverb Clauses. Although it looks peaceful, the forest supports incessant warfare, most of which is hidden and silent.Billy Pilgrim, while he was on maneuvers in South Carolina, played hymns he knew from childhood. While on maneuvers in South Carolina, Billy Pilgrim played hymns he knew from childhood. Whenever the sea builds a new coast, waves of living creatures surge against it. Although exhausted after the long drive home, Pinky insisted on going to work. Frightened by the lightning and thunder, the boy hid under the bed, clutching his teddy bear. Although teachers who contend with blank or hostile minds deserve our sympathy, those who teach without sensitivity and imagination deserve our criticism. After the storm has passed, and the flash floods dump their loads of silt into the Colorado River, water still remains in certain places on rimrock, canyon beach, and mesa top. NEXT:Building Sentences with Adverb Clauses (part three)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Critical Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Critical Review - Essay Example The article is based on a study in an organization where people were more tested with the new method of work and they thoroughly enjoyed it because people had the ease of being watched by their colleagues and friends rather than being watched over by their extremely ââ¬Å"strict rules (Snook 2008 16) bosses. The management realized that the ââ¬Å"employees want to know where the business is going and what they need to focus onâ⬠(Kaplan 2007 87). This idea was although introduced in the early 21st century, it was still to be tried and tested upon though ââ¬Å"management fads shift all the timeâ⬠(Brown and Duguid, 2000, p80). The article deals with the issue of surveillance at the work place "that is becoming the focus of much attention" (Sewell 1998 397) Core Questions: The article emphasizes on a few special pointers. The main one was probably to test how the workers work when they are around their peers who act like their bosses and not actually around their real boss es; who they think can be stricter. Also it shows how workers responded to managerial changes from bureaucratic to concertive control. Throughout this control the workers had their peers manage a group which was specially assigned to do a particular task, for them. Also the main purpose of it was to check how much labor, time and money is saved through concertive control and how quickly the negative or positive changes take place in the organization. Assumptions of the Study: The assumption made on the study was weather concertive control can affect any organization in a positive way or not. Also it was a controlled task to all self managers. They had to act responsibly for all actions. They had to initiate all actions and also commit to them. They had to be responsible for the organizationââ¬â¢s performance. They had to be responsible for the quality of the work provided to an individual or of a group. They had to make a balanced group that is that every group should have high e xperienced workers, knowledgeable workers and able workers. Also the assumption was to take it in three stages. The first stage being the simple control one, allowed hired bosses to boss his employees. The second stage was the technological control. This control allowed the technology to look upon the workers. The third stage was the bureaucratic control. This was rather the most systematic stage of the control. And after this was the stage of concertive control that was to change the managing way of the organization, this change allowed self control throughout the organization and also control over the staff by a certain worker was introduced throughout this control How the analysis undertaken in the article helps to achieve these objectives After a lot of brain storming the idea of concertive control was started, hence, it should have at least been represented in a better way. The mangers should have had to have proper rules they had to follow and probably the basic rule for the m anagers should have been to be a little easy going on their staff. Also the research should have been carried out in many organizations instead of being carried out in two or three organizations for a longer period of time. Also discrimination between new and old staff members should not have been made. If an old staff member made a mistake he was punished but if the new staff member made the same mistake he was overlooked. The workers should have been given some time to get adjusted to the environment. The iron cage should have been
Friday, October 18, 2019
Organization People and Performance in Iberia Airlines Research Paper
Organization People and Performance in Iberia Airlines - Research Paper Example The firm adopts effective HRM strategies that call for first-class flight rewards to best employees. In so doing, the productivity of employees is maximized. Thus, employees are rewarded with respect to their performance. Additionally, the firm employs structural training system aimed at enhancing the quality of employees as well as enabling them to grow in their careers. The training strengthens the abilities and expertise of employees that enables them to handle more responsibilities while paving the humble way for promotion resulting in career growth (Asquith 2012, p.1). Communication plays a significant role in determining bonus and stock option as it calls for employees to be engaged in determining these issues especially when the pay rates are low when the firm is going through financial crisis. The aligned recruitment process to the cultural and strategic requirements of the company together with effective training and development initiatives makes the firm to enhance career g rowth of its employees. The reward system employed is formal since appraisal and promotion process goes through multiple channels thus making employees to be loyal productive and highly motivated. The rewards system in Iberia airline is based on performance and this motivates employees to perform better while fostering innovations in the firm.Ã On the aspect of workforce statistics, Iberia has a capacity of over 25,000 employees and flies to seventy nine destinations within thirty nine countries across the globe.
Substance use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Substance use - Essay Example It appears that availability of opioids and subcultural factors are key in opioid useâ⬠(Encylopedia of Mental Disorders par. 19). In recent times, opioid abuse has increased through being given routine 30-day prescriptions for opioids as painkillers for illnesses requiring only a day or two for the pain to subside (Kluger par.2). 2. Give some examples of the use of hallucinogenic plants or drugs in connection with religious practices. The article on hallucinogens published in Medical Discoveries indicates that hallucinogenic plants or drugs have been used in connection with religious practices. (1) ââ¬Å"Medicine men, shamans, and other spiritual leaders have used natural hallucinogens found in plants and mushrooms since ancient times, believing in their power to help contact the spiritual world or mystical beings for guidance in serving their peopleâ⬠(par. 4); (2) ââ¬Å"In Mexico, mushrooms called Psylocybe mexicana, which contain the fungi psilocybin and psilocin, hav e been used in religious rituals since the time of the Aztec civilizationâ⬠(par. 6); (3) ââ¬Å"Peyote is the only psychedelic agent that has been authorized by the federal government for limited use during Native American religious ceremoniesâ⬠(par. 7). 3.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
David Dabydeens Rewriting of Turners Painting Essay
David Dabydeens Rewriting of Turners Painting - Essay Example st enjoys the self-acclaimed freedom of distorting the reality in order to work out another reality that is greater and that lies beyond the capability of plain eyesight. J. M. Turnerââ¬â¢s (who was an abolitionist) primary purpose was to draw the viewersââ¬â¢ sympathy for the slaves. But either because the limitation of visual art or simply because he is not one of the slaved society, he has failed to delve deep into the core of a slaveââ¬â¢s existence that is his cultural identity. But Dabydeen has to focus primarily on this particular but relative truth or meaning of the art, rather than simply rewriting it, while overcoming Turnerââ¬â¢s limitation. Yet since a visual art is often subjected to multiple interpretations depending on the multiplicities of individualsââ¬â¢ viewpoints, throughout the whole rewriting the painting Dabydeen has to maintain a poetic abstraction of the visual imagery of the his poem. Indeed, for Dabydeen Turnerââ¬â¢s art is not more than an objective reality, of the 19th Century, and a part of history that he interprets from his own viewpoint. Hence what Dabydeen deals more with the reality of Turnerââ¬â¢s art is his subjective interpolation that evokes picture and imagination of a civilization out of an instantaneous portrayal of a singular reality that might have evaded Turnerââ¬â¢s eye, that is, J. M. Turner as well as his society fails to perceive the cultural identity of the slaves. Dabydeen has tried to evoke a cult ural identity out of the forgotten past. Dabydeen views that the slave thrown into the sea is floating for ââ¬Å"centuriesâ⬠, and his memory of his origin has faded away, though not completely.
Report of IT tech for food4all Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Report of IT tech for food4all - Essay Example In the process of creating live video streams for service delivery sessions, the project uses teleconferencing facilities like overhead cameras, screens or projectors, and high speed Internet connectivity among other technologies that incorporate the application of chat features. The preliminary evaluation aims at enhancing the efficiency of emerging technologies as well as their influence on the service delivery exercise on clients. The discourse covers a portrayal of a case where one of the new technologies gets integrated into food delivery. Putting in place a projector and a screen in the media centre used by clients for getting information. Employees will use the same to offer technology professional advanced services, it will also be a client centre for technology, and family meetings among clients will use it for conferences. Other uses include serving as the client center for technology learners in the food supply system, being a likely LVS centre for those with catch-up programs, and a centre for family nights. Using the projector and the screen will enable every participant or client to see clearly, what the project offers. To advance professional services and development for employees handling Promethean Boards during service delivery. Professional development will take place during one of the in-service services sessions scheduled in addition to the after meal on-site programs throughout food delivery. It is consequential for employees to comprehend ways of operating and integrating important aspects such as Promethean into delivering services applied during live streaming and not just the use of boards to impart knowledge among clients. Provision of materials and software for the newly introduced ACT project important in Prep Course. The relevance of ACT is for clients to remain complaint with the new live streaming methods introduced for delivery of food. Food service delivery companies previously provide catch-up
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Reasons to Drill Off Shore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Reasons to Drill Off Shore - Essay Example In other words, global economy is inversely proportional to oil prices. When oil price increases, global economy declines and when the oil price decreases global economy achieves growth. American economy also follows the same path as the global economy does. A world without oil fuel is unimaginable at present. Even though we have many other energy sources, none of them are capable of replacing oil. Even though nobody has any doubt about the utility or essentiality of oil in sustaining human life in its present form, some people argues against offshore drilling citing environmental reasons. At the time of crude oil purification and also at the time of operating vehicles, oil liberates so many greenhouse gases like oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, methane etc. Daniel et al (2006) have mentioned that ââ¬Å"between 1976 and 1990, oil companies in Nigeria witnessed a total of 2,796 oil spills. An estimated total quantity of 2,105,393 barrels of oil was spilled on land, coastal and off shore marine environmentsâ⬠(Daniel et al, 2006, p.111). Amidst all such criticisms labeled against offshore drilling, it is a fact that the no other energy sources are capable of substituting oil. In other words, offshore drilling should be continued in its present form until we would be able to find out alternate energy sources to replace oil. ââ¬Å"The United States consumes nearly one-fourth of the world's oil. The big discoveries are happening offshore, says Robert Bryce, managing editor of Energy Tribuneâ⬠(Jervis et al, 2008). The above statistics and opinion clearly point towards the necessities of offshore drilling. It is difficult for United States to replace oil with another energy source at present because of the huge dependence of America on oil fuels. America is producing only 10% of its total oil needs, which means around 90% of oil required for its domestic usage, is being imported from overseas countries. It is difficult for America like big country to re ly heavily on other countries for energy needs. ââ¬Å"Unfortunately, because of dumb luck, most of the worldââ¬â¢s petroleum is controlled by nations that are unfriendly to the United States. Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran were three of the top five producers of petroleum in 2007â⬠(Column: Offshore Drilling Not Hoax, But Necessity To United States, 2009). Arab countries, Russia and China are the major oil producers in the world and Americaââ¬â¢s relations with these countries are not so good. Under such circumstances, if these countries decide to stop oil supply to America, energy crisis may intensify in America. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for America to increase offshore drilling to find out more oil sources. As Robert Bryce says, the possibility of big discoveries cannot be ruled out in offshore drilling. It should be noted that the entire faces of gulf countries have been changed immensely as result of the discovery of oil sources in those countries. Th e living standards of the people in gulf countries improved a lot as a result of the oil discovery. Such dramatic things can happen in America also and therefore oil drilling or offshore drilling should be continued even though criticisms are there. The following statistics from Louisiana reveals the importance of offshore drilling further. Louisiana has had offshore drilling since 1947. About 172 active rigs dot the Gulf of Mexico waters off the coast, producing about 79% of the oil and 72% of the natural gas that comes from drilling off the nation's
Report of IT tech for food4all Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Report of IT tech for food4all - Essay Example In the process of creating live video streams for service delivery sessions, the project uses teleconferencing facilities like overhead cameras, screens or projectors, and high speed Internet connectivity among other technologies that incorporate the application of chat features. The preliminary evaluation aims at enhancing the efficiency of emerging technologies as well as their influence on the service delivery exercise on clients. The discourse covers a portrayal of a case where one of the new technologies gets integrated into food delivery. Putting in place a projector and a screen in the media centre used by clients for getting information. Employees will use the same to offer technology professional advanced services, it will also be a client centre for technology, and family meetings among clients will use it for conferences. Other uses include serving as the client center for technology learners in the food supply system, being a likely LVS centre for those with catch-up programs, and a centre for family nights. Using the projector and the screen will enable every participant or client to see clearly, what the project offers. To advance professional services and development for employees handling Promethean Boards during service delivery. Professional development will take place during one of the in-service services sessions scheduled in addition to the after meal on-site programs throughout food delivery. It is consequential for employees to comprehend ways of operating and integrating important aspects such as Promethean into delivering services applied during live streaming and not just the use of boards to impart knowledge among clients. Provision of materials and software for the newly introduced ACT project important in Prep Course. The relevance of ACT is for clients to remain complaint with the new live streaming methods introduced for delivery of food. Food service delivery companies previously provide catch-up
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Functional assessment of an elderly man at home Essay Example for Free
Functional assessment of an elderly man at home Essay According to NHS (2011), elderly people who have attained the age of 65 years and above usually spend an average of 10 hours and above daily sitting or lying down, making them the most sedentary group of people. Due to this apparent inactivity among the elderly, they are more prone to accidental falls, obesity, cardiovascular accidents, heart conditions and sudden death than the general population. In this interview, data was gathered from an elderly man in his early 80s through use of a semi-structured interview schedule that consisted of open-ended questions touching on the instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and activities of daily living (ADL). The interview schedule provided an opportunity for the interviewer and interviewee to tackle the questions in detail through appropriate probing. Before commencement of the interview, an informed consent was obtained from the respondent where his anonymity and the confidentiality of the information sought from him were assured. The interviewee was asked to sign a consent form if he agreed to take part in the interview. The Rationale To ascertain that a person is able to independently live at home or community, the determination of the daily basic activities performed by the individual is necessary. These activities are referred to as Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). According to PayingForSeniorCare (2007), ADLs only serve as a yardstick of independence of individuals, whether or not they perform these basic activities on their own or get assistance. On the other hand, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are the actions which are important but not a daily requirement for one to live independently. They usually used to determine what level of assistance is to be accorded to the elderly or disabled people in society. In the interview nschedule, three (3) ADLs and Three (3) IADLs were included. The ADLs included: Bed mobility, Toileting, and Eating. The IADLs were: Responsibility for own medication, Housekeeping, and Ability to use telephone. These activities and actions were included in the interview because they will in the very least point to the functional ability of the respondent given his advanced age. ADLs and IADLs are carried out because ââ¬Ë Measuring an individualââ¬â¢s ability to perform the ADLs and IADLs is important not just in determining the level of assistance required but as a metric for a variety of services and programs related to caring for the elderly and for those with disabilities (PayingForSeniorCare (2007, p. 1). Ethical considerations According to Fouka and Mantzorou (2011, p. 3), research ethics involve requirements on daily work, the protection of dignity of subjects and the publication of the information in the research. Research ethics are a set of principles that guide researchers and research organizations on how to conduct themselves when dealing with research participants, other researchers and colleagues, the users of their research and society in general. Among the ethical issues taken into consideration in research include: 1. Informed consent Informed consent is a major ethical issue in carrying out research. According to Armiger (1997), the participant must knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently, and in a clear and manifest way, give his/her consent. Informed consent confers autonomy to the respondent hence they are protected through self-determination. Through informed consent, the participantââ¬â¢s integrity, personal liberties and veracity are protected from violation by researchers. Informed consent enables individuals participate in research voluntarily after they have been provided with information on the potential risks and benefits of the research. Free and informed consent should incorporate an introduction to the study, its purpose, an explanation of the selection of the subjects and the procedures that shall be followed. It is essential to describe any physical harm or discomfort, any invasion of privacy and any threat to dignity as well as how the subjects will be compensated in that case. 2. Beneficence- do not harm This principle ensures that researchers exercise a professional mandate to carry out significant and effective research so as to serve and promote the welfare of the population. A researcher must consider all possible consequences of the research and balance the risks with proportionate benefit. The type, degree, and number of potential risks must be assessed and the risk benefit ratio can only be achieved by identifying these factors. If the risks outweigh the benefits, the study should be revised. It is important that debriefing of the participants is done at the end of the study. Debriefing refers to explaining the exact aim of the study and why certain disclosures were not done. According to Burns and Grove (2005) ââ¬Ëif the subjects experienced a high level of discomfort, they should be debriefed or referred to appropriate professional intervention as necessaryââ¬â¢. 3. Respect of anonymity and confidentiality Confidentiality and anonymity are closely linked with the rights of beneficence. The protection of anonymity is achieved when the researcher does not link a participants personal responses and his/her identity. The management of private information of the respondents must be ensured by the researcher in order to protect the participantââ¬â¢s identity. Confidentiality means that individuals can give and/or withhold as much information as they wish to the person they choose. 4. Respect of privacy Privacy is the freedom exercised by an individual in determining the time, extent, and general circumstances under which private information will be shared with or withheld from others. Therefore, private information shall not be shared with others without the knowledge of the participant. According to Treece and Treece (1982), a researcher must respect a decision by a respondent who considers reporting personal information a violation of privacy. Fauka and Mantzorou (2011, p. 7) state that ââ¬Ëthis may even apply to report of age, income, marital status, and other details that the subject may regard intimate. They also imply that privacy can be invaded when researchers study certain groups without their knowledge and without identifying themselves. 5. Concerns of vulnerable group of people Vulnerable group of people are the individuals who are unable to protect their own rights and welfare. Opinion is still divided as to whether they should be included in research studies or not due to their inability to give informed consent. They include prisoners, mentally ill people, the aged and children among others. They need further protection for they are vulnerable to being deceived, threatened or forced to participate in research studies they have no idea about. According to Burns and Grove (2005), the vulnerability of these individuals increases the need for justification for the use of such subjects in research studies. 6. Honesty, objectivity, integrity, legality and competence It is important to maintain honesty in research undertakings. Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. Avoid any fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of data. Do not deceive colleagues, granting agencies, or the public. To maintain objectivity, the researcher must avoid bias in study designs, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, and other aspects of research where objectivity is expected or required. Avoid or minimize bias or self-deception. Disclose personal or financial interests that may affect research. Integrity should be ensured through keeping of promises and agreements. The researcher must act with sincerity, and maintain consistency of thought and action. Every researcher must ensure and improve his/her own professional competence and expertise through lifelong education and learning and steps must be taken towards the promotion of competence in science as a whole. Research studies are guided by the relevant rules and regulations that must be adhered to at all times, whether institutional or governmental. Research ethics play important roles in research studies as they; 1. Bring about respect for and cause no harm to the participants 2. They are a professional requirement in research studies 3. They are a requirement in obtaining funding for research undertaking 4. They ensure that research studies are conducted within the ethical guidelines provided by the Ethics Committee 5. Ensures that the research findings are acceptable to the research community and the public Interviewee current IADL/ADL practices According to Quinn et al. (2011), elderly individuals usually present with acute and chronic problems that adversely affect function, often defined by functional decline and loss of independence. This might eventually lead to institutional care for such individuals. The decreased function may be a pointer to occult pathologies which lead to increased mortalities (Schumacher, 2005). From the interview, it was found out that the respondent had limited capacity in carrying out daily activities. For instance, in determining the ADLs, in bed mobility, he needed other than two persons physical assist, had a limited physical assistance in toileting and limited assistance when eating. His actions too were limited as he scored lowly in IADLs. For instance, in responsibility for own medication, he only takes medication when it is prepared in advance and in right dosages, he answers the telephone only and cannot dial by himself, and finally he does not participate in any form of housekeeping. The respondents attributed all this to poor memory, fast failing eyesight, affliction by arthritis and advanced age. Conclusion Elderly individuals are afflicted by many ailments that lead to poor health, and as a consequence they are usually unable to undertake simple tasks that are geared towards maintaining good health. It is therefore imperative that functional assessment are done on such persons in order to put in place appropriate strategies that can help them lead at least ââ¬Ënormalââ¬â¢ lives. Therefore, ADLs and IADLs are important towards this end and can help determine the kind of care to be provided to elderly individuals. This can be in the form of institutional care, family and friends care giving. References Armiger, B. (1997). Ethics in Nursing Research: Profile, Principles, Perspective. Nursing Research, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 330-333. Burns, N Grove, S. (2005). The practice of nursing research: Conduct, critique, and utilization (5th ed.), St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier/ Saunders. Fauka, G à Mantzorou, M. (2011). What are the major ethical issues in conducting research? Is there a conflict between the research ethics and the nature of nursing? Health Science Journal, 5(1), pp. 3-14. NHS (2011). The importance of exercise as you get older. Retrieved from: Quinn, J, McArthur, Ellis, G Stott, J. (2011). Functional assessment of older people. BMJ. doi: doi: Schumacher, J. (2005). Emergency medicine and older adults: continuing challenges and opportunities. Am J Emerg Med, 23: pp. 556-60. Treece, E Treece, J. (1982). Elements of research in Nursing. St-Louis: Mosby. Appendix Appendix A Informed consent letter My name is â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦., an undergraduate student at â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. University carrying out a study on ââ¬Ëthe importance of ADLs and IADLsââ¬â¢. All information provided in this study will be treated with confidentiality and your identity shall not be disclosed. All information provided in this study will be treated with confidentiality and your identity shall not be disclosed. The participation in this study is on voluntary basis, and therefore you are free to accept or decline to take part in the study. Your cooperation shall be of great importance in achieving this goal. If you agree to take part in this study, please append only your signature below ____________________________________ ______________________ Respondent Signature Date Interviewer signature Date Appendix B Interview schedule Part 1: ADLs 1. How will you describe your ability to move in bed while you lie on it? Any difficulties? 2. Please describe your ability to use the washrooms. Any important information worthy noting? 3. Can you please describe to me your eating habits? Are you able to cut chew and swallow food independently or with supervision? Part 2: IADLs 1. Are you responsible for taking your medications? Yes [ ] No [ ] If NO in the above question, please explain. 2. Do you perform housekeeping chores? 3. How will you describe your use of the telephone? any reasons for that?
Monday, October 14, 2019
Fast Food Restaurants And Problem Of Hygiene English Language Essay
Fast Food Restaurants And Problem Of Hygiene English Language Essay Today it is very important for food industry operators to concern about their level of hygiene as today s customer have become more alarmed about risks allied with food. This report will identify the problems of hygiene associated with various fast food restaurants, it will also highlight whether these problems of hygiene in fast food restaurants affects their sales, whether it changes the behaviour of customers and also some of the solutions that can improve the hygiene level of these fast food restaurants. In addition to this it also focuses on what consumers wants government to do to improve hygiene of these outlets. Analysis is made on Background Information of fast food Restaurants and problem of hygiene associated with them, which includes use of allergic ingredients and lack of cleanliness of workers, kitchens. Examples of hygiene issue that happened with one of the most reputed fast food restaurant Kentucky Fried Chicken and other restaurants like Arbys, Sonic, and Jack in Box etc are shown. Some of the Key findings of Research Conducted show that improper hygiene does affect the sales because it affects the behaviour of customer towards the restaurants which are not following proper hygiene system. Example of restaurants like KFC, Hamburgers, and Fresh City etc are given whose sales were cut down because of improper hygiene. In addition some of the respondents gave decent solutions which can be adopted by fast food restaurants to improve their hygiene level. Table of Contents No Particulars Page No 1 Introduction 2 Research Method Used And Its Limitation 3 Research Findings 4 Conclusions And Recommendations 5 References And Appendix Research Motivation and Problem Definition Whether it is onion rings or double cheese burgers or variety of sandwiches fast food is growing at the fastest speed as compared to other food types. This is because it is reasonable in price, quickly and readily available. Today fast food restaurants are also growing very fast in world, especially in urban areas. Some of the examples of biggest fast food restaurants are KFC, Subway, Mc Donalds, and Burger King Etc. But as today customers are more anxious about their food safety, concern over fatness, food poisoning and BSE (mad cow diseases) , the industry of fast food are forced to give attention on their sanitation factor that includes food quality ,cleanliness etc. Today more than 60 % of fast food restaurants have experts, which can also be called as benchmark for judging their cleanliness other than this various types of rules are putted into place by management ,inspectors , the food and drug administration etc, but still there are some issues which arise regarding their hygi ene and cleanliness. Problem of Using Allergic Ingredients The most common problem is the use of allergic ingredients in food making, but they dont express us which are they, some of examples are as follows; A sausage burrito available at Mc Donalds contains harsh chemicals and preservatives in addition to its normal ingredients. Beyond these the hash browns are cooked with animal products. The pasteurised eggs used by Mc Donalds in breakfast have, citric acid, monosodium phosphate and sodium acid pyrophosphate which are used to maintain colour. These were some issues about Mc Donalds, but there are more hygiene issues with other big fast food restaurants. In case of Burger King, there are three salads to choose, these salads can be dressed up by putting their Kens Fat Free Ranch which includes titanium dioxide (an artificial colour) and also harmful ingredient like monosodium glutamate. On the other end Subway which is considered as a healthiest sandwich centre has also some issue if the ingredients used by them is considered, the problem with Subway is that they dont use Whole meal bread for their sandwiches, their breads contains Ammonium sulphate (a fertilizer) and azodicarbonamide which is totally banned in UK , Australia because safety executive has acknowledged that the consumption of this may cause the problem of asthma, also most of meats of subway contains MSG and/or sodium nitrite. Even KFC, which is one of the biggest fast food Restaurants has also various issues about their ingredients, monosodium glutamate is added to the chicken gravy and rice. Today fries are not made with 100% potatoes, because most of the restaurants use frozen fries, fries become discoloured if it is kept freezing for longer period of time ,to avoid this sulphur dioxide is used to bleach the fries and give them fine white colour. So these was all about the ingredients that these fa st food restaurants adopt, there are also issues with their cleanliness of the restaurants, cleanliness of their workers, of the place where food is been made. Problem of lack of Cleanliness The other most common violation is the lack of cleanliness of employees as they might be hired on low salary, in some of the fast food restaurants workers do not wash their hands, there are no hand washing gel in their washrooms, some of restaurants have improper food holding temperature and also undercooked meat, unclean counters, tables and also the kitchen which can broaden germs that results in to food poisoning. This can be proved by the recent issue of KFC. KFC was fined 19000 pound after a cockroach was found eating chips at one of the most reputed branch in Britain located at Leicester Square in west end lane of London. It was also heard that during the inception the officer also found rat, flies and dried blood on the floor. The other example is Arbys one of the famous beef roast joint , the fact is dirty meat slices were found at two different locations in US which resulted into sickness of more than 70 people. Same happened with Jack in Box, 12 year girl was lapsed in coma after eating at the restaurant and $15.6 million settlement was awarded. In addition to these, Sonic comes on 3 among all restaurants following improper asepsis according to NBC, reviewed 7000 hygiene issue records on Sonic and amongst them one was a black mold founded on an onion ring cover. Objective of Report: Thus the main objective of this report is to discern the problem of hygiene connected with fast food restaurant, whether the hygiene level of the fast food restaurants affects the behaviour of the customers towards them and at last does this hygiene level affects their sales, according to people what government should do to improve hygiene of fast food restaurants. In addition to these, the report will also discover some of the solutions that can be used by these fast-food restaurants to advance their hygiene factor. Literature Review; In past many researchers tried to make research around the issue of food hygiene and safety, for example a research was made by Green Street Berman on how a restaurant can improve its hygiene. While there was also another research made by the author Denise M Rennie, Lecturer in the Environmental Health and Housing Department, University of Salford, Salford, UK. He proposed in his report that personnel should be trained to improve hygienic matters in the food industry. He also mentioned in his report that training programs which are run more closely to the site of the work are more effective if they are supported by the reinforcement of hygiene message. The main objective of this report was derived by these early researches as they do not clarify that how improper hygiene of fast food restaurants affects consumer behaviour and how this affects the sales. Frame work of the Report Effects Research Methods and Their Limitation There are two basic methods used to collect information 1. Secondary method. 2. Primary method. Secondary data collection Method and Its Justification In order to collect secondary data Internet, Articles and various magazines are used. The reasons of using secondary method in order to carry out research are as follows; 1. It is less time consuming and easy to access; one can find information very easily. 2. Generally the cost to acquire information through secondary data collection method is less. Primary data collection Method and Its Justification In order to collect primary data, survey is carried out using QUESTIONAIRE. The reasons behind using questionnaire in order to carry out primary research are as follows: 1. The response can be gathered in a more effective way even more than interviews, because sometimes while taking interview one might forget to ask certain questions. 2. The response can be gathered from large proportion of people while in focus groups or interviews one can get information only from certain number of people. Manual method is used to get output information after analysing data. Sampling plan.; The criterion of this sampling plan will be as follow: People who often goes to fast food restaurants. Importance of hygiene of fast food restaurant to individual taking food from it. Some of the recommendations in order to improve the hygiene level of the restaurants. Sample size; Sample size used 50. Time Schedule; Total estimated time used to complete report will be 7 weeks Gantt chart Activities Week1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Identifying problem Primary data collection Secondary data collection Analysis Completion Limitations of the Research Method Used; In case of Secondary method data is collected from various Articles, magazines, newspapers etc are used. Various limitations related with this method are as follows; 1. The data available from secondary data were quite vague. 2. The writer of secondary data might be biased. 3. The sample worn to accumulate secondary data may be small. The organisation or company who collected secondary may not be reputable In primary method Questionnaire is used to collect data. There are various limitations linked with Questionnaire. Some of them are as follows; 1. One major disadvantaged of report is difference in response. Different individual gives different responses. So it was complicated to generalise the information. 2. It is time consuming method and costly, as it takes more time to find individuals who can give their time to fill questionnaire. It costs more to print questionnaire. 3. Some response might have given wrong information in a hurry to fill questionnaire. 4. Some responses given by respondent were incomplete. . Research Findings The Purpose of the research was to know whether hygiene level of fast food restaurants affects their sales, whether it affects the behaviour of consumer towards the restaurants, according to civic, what steps should government take to improve the sanitation and some of the improvement that can be adopted by Fast food restaurants outlets .Results indicate that, hygiene is the most important in every food especially in fast food which is not considered as healthy as other food. After making analysis, about the views of hygiene of people it can be understood that people do considered hygiene as an important issue in fast food restaurants, it do affect their behaviour about the restaurant which is not following proper hygiene altitude and at last if this restaurants are not having hygiene level up to what people desires, it will cut down their sales. This can be proved by following findings: 1. More than one out of two gave importance to hygiene factor of fast food restaurants. Research shows that in hygiene factor people first give to importance to the cleanliness of the workers who are preparing the food. In addition to these, People are also concerned about the kitchen where food is prepared. Other than this People give importance to the ingredients which are used to prepare food, handling, storage etc. while other 2 % of people gave more importance to taste than hygiene. 2. The study examines, that hygiene altitude of fast food restaurants do affects the behaviour of customer towards it, one of the example was given by a sample about a pizza place in Greece, the pizza maker mixed six types of sperm inside the pizza which created the health problem to the people who eat that, people stopped going at pizza place and at last the place was shut down. [Referred TO Questionnaire in Appendix]. In addition to these as mentioned in the Third point, it happened to KFC. Same was found in case of pizza hut , about 28 % of total random people said that they stopped going to the place because they consider the cleanliness of the eatery was not up to the mark , that led them to choose other chophouse. 3. (1.1) Kentucky Fried Chicken better known as KFC one of the best fast food restaurant faced decrease in sales and also minor difference in the points of hygiene level given by people after the issue of dirty kitchen and floor, that happened in one of the its branch at Leicester Square in London. The sales of KFC as shown in figure 1.3 (Appendix) had gone down by 4 % at the end of third quarter of September 6 2009, it s worldwide sales was $9843 which reduced to $9413 in 2009 ,5300 unit chain faced an operating loss and there was also decrease of 4 points in hygiene level given by people after the issue of hygiene problem, that means there is also decrease in people who want to eat food of KFC, which shows there is decrease in frequency of people in KFC because of change in their behaviour about KFC s hygiene. So in order to change the notion they organised a health campaign called Fresh Tastes Best it was a TV campaign. (1.2)Another example is closure of North Andover Franchise of Fresh City one of the famous restaurants for salads, after four year establishment, local news commented that the closure of Fresh city was because of lack of cleanliness and violation made by health board. (1.3)Other than this Mc Donalds also took its 169 franchises because they were not performing well and their sales were continuously going down, the reasons were lack of satisfaction of customers and that was because of lack of cleanliness and improper quality of product. (1.4)Other example is of famous Hamburger, the sales of hamburger cut down because of lack of cleanliness. 4. As per figure 1.4 (Appendix) 50 % of individuals think that government should increase fine to improve the hygiene in fast food restaurants , while other 20 % of people that government should force the owner of the restaurant to close it , if it is following improper hygiene. Other 17 % of respondents said that government should force the fast food restaurants to organise compulsory training sessions for staff, to improve sanitation level of restaurants. Rest 13 % of respondents alleged that administrative should increase the frequency of health officers visiting all fast food restaurants to know , whether they are following proper hygiene altitude. While in case of improvement in hygiene stage of fast food restaurants, there are number of recommendations given by respondents, some of them are as follows, Recommendations given by samples 1. One third of total sample indicated that the fast food restaurants should clean their floors regularly and kitchen regularly. 2. About 10 % people said workers should be given more training in regardless to wash their hands before and after making food and they should have at least one separate sink for washing hands only or they should wear plastic gloves while preparing food, they should keep their hands away from nose, hair, ears all time and should use new gloves with new order. In addition to these workers should wear cap while making food. 3. Some of the people suggested to change the storage system of restaurants, they suggested to keep separate storage for each food so that the risk of cross-contamination which leads bacterial disease such as Salmonella can be concentrated, additionally all frozen food must be stored 5 degree Celsius. 4. About 10 % people suggested that the restaurants should recruit more people in regardless with cleaning. 5. Couple of people suggested, the restaurant that is not following proper scepticism should follow other restaurant that is following proper hygiene and try to implement it. 6. Some people indicated that restaurant should make all food in front of us And also they can advance the fast food by putting some more fresh fruits in it. Conclusion -After making above analysis following conclusion can be made; These days, the problem of hygiene in fast restaurants have increased, which includes several problems like lack of cleanliness especially in kitchen, various harmful chemical mixed ingredients, dirty employees working there, uncooked food etc. And all big reputed restaurants like KFC, MC Donalds, Subway, and Pizza Hut etc were spotted for following improper sanitary level. The reason behind this careless attitude might be to reduce the cost of getting pure ingredients or laziness of workers to maintain proper asepticism or lack of awareness of local manager. But today as people have became extra apprehensive towards the peril linked with fast food and as improper hygiene of the restaurant do affect their behaviour towards the food outlet, it is very necessary for the restaurant to give attention to their hygiene if not than it will be a time when no one will go to eat at fast food restaurants. Some of the big restaurants like KFC , Mc Donald s , Fresh City etc started showing out these picture as there was huge decrease in sales in KFC after it was noticed following improper hygiene, many franchisee of Mc Donalds and famous restaurant Fresh City were closed because of same reasons. In addition to this government should become tighter towards those who are not following suitable sanitation by implement new rules and regulation APPENDIX Figure 1.1. Referred to lack of cleanliness of Kitchen (Introduction) Figure 1.2 Referred to example of KFC given in [Introduction] Figure 1.3 Referred to decrease in sales of KFC due improper sanitation Figure1.4 Referred To Major steps government Should take to improve Hygiene In Fast Food Restaurant Survey about the importance of Hygiene Factor in Fast Food Restaurant. Q.1: What is your gender? o Male o Female Q.2: In which age group do you fall in? o 11 -18 o 19-25 o 25-33 o 33 or Older Q.3: How often do you visit fast food restaurant? o Regularly o Once a week o Once a month o Rarely Q.5: Up to what level do you consider hygiene in fast food as a vital aspect? o Not 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very So important Important Q.6: Do you think hygienic factor is important at the fast food Restaurants? o Not 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very So important Important Q.4: Which is your favourite fast food restaurant? o KFC o McDonalds o Subway o Burger king o Other . Q.7: Up to what extent do you think your favourite fast food restaurant maintains the hygienic level? o Excellent o Very good o Good o Average o Bad o Very bad Q: 7 If your favourite fast outlet is not up to the hygiene level that you prefer to be, then your behaviour towards it will change? o Yes o NO Q.8 Are you aware about the hygiene issue of KFC that happened at Leicester Square in London? o Yes o No Q.9 How many points you think you would be giving to hygiene level of KFC before the sanitation issue? o /10 Q.10. How many points you think you would give to hygiene level of KFC after you heard about the issue? o / 10 Q.12: what do you think government should do in order to improve hygiene of fast food restaurants? .. .. .. .. Q.13: According to you, what your favourite fast food restaurant should do in order to advance their hygienic altitude (level) then they has in present? . . . .
Sunday, October 13, 2019
William G. Morgan and Volleyball Essay -- sports, history, YMCA, net
Fundamentals of Volleyball Volleyball was originally meant for middle-aged men who werenââ¬â¢t able to move well enough to play basketball, but now it is a fast-paced and highly competitive sport for both men and women. Today, people dive and leap across the floor in order to keep the ball from hitting the ground on their side of the court. So it is safe to say that the game of volleyball has evolved from the relatively calm game it once was when it originated in Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1895. The fundamentals of volleyball include passing, digging, serving, attacking, setting, and blocking. It also involves the skills needed to do these things. Volleyball was invented by William G. Morgan. Morgan wanted to come up with an indoor sport that was better accustomed to the fitness level of older men. He invented the sport by looking at elements of other sports (basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball) and assorted them together to fit his needs. Volleyball was initially played with an inflated basketball bladder (the inner lining of the ball). However, Morgan found that this was too light and a normal basketball was too heavy. It was eventually decided that the ball would be a rubber bladder covered with leather or canvas. In the beginning, Morgan called the new game ââ¬Å"mintonetteâ⬠because it reminded him of badminton. According to Sherrow, ââ¬Å"He presented an exhibition match for a group of YMCA physical education directors. One spectator, Dr. Alfred Halsted, suggested that Morgan change the name of the game from ââ¬Å"mintonetteâ⬠to ââ¬Å"volley ball,â⬠because the players were volleying the ball b ack and forth with each hit. The first official volleyball game was played at Springfield College on July 7, 1896â⬠(14). Formerly, the game was organiz... ...see how all of the fundamentals come back together to compliment each other and form the game of volleyball. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Basic Skills in Volleyball.â⬠Basic Skills in Volleyball . N.p., n.d. Web. 30 April 2014 Kelly, Zachary A. Volleyball, Attacking to Win. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke, 1998. Print. Kelly, Zachary A. Volleyballââ¬âthe Serve. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke, 1998. Print. ââ¬Å"Rules of the Game of Volleyball.â⬠Rules of the Game of Volleyball. Volleyball World Wide, n.d. Web. 01 May 2014 Sherrow, Victoria. Volleyball. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 2002. Print. ââ¬Å"Special Olympics Oregon- Training for Life.â⬠Special Olympics Oregon- Training for Life. Special Olympic Oregon, n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2014. "TriState Volunteersà ®: About/Home." TriState Volunteersà ®: About/Home. Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, n.d. Web. 30 April 2014.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Al Capone :: essays research papers
By all accounts, Alphonse did well at school until the 6th grade, then at the age of 14 he was expelled for retaliating against a female teacher who hit him. Following his expulsion, the Capone family decided to move neighbourhoods - a chance move that would have a huge impact on Al's criminal future. Just round the corner from Capone's new home was the headquarters of gentleman gangster Johnny Torrio's East Coast operation. And like many boys in the area, he became involved in running errands for Torrio, just to earn a little extra money. Despite his involvement with Torrio and street gangs, Capone continued to work and support his family. However, when Torrio moved to Chicago, Capone was left open to some bad influences. At the age of 18, Capone was hired by an aggressive gangster Frankie Yale to work in his bar, the Harvard Inn. It was an incident in the Harvard Inn that earned Capone his nickname "Scarface". One night local gangster Frank Gallucio was drinking with his sister at the Harvard Inn, when Capone approached the young girl to pay her a compliment. Gallucio took offence to the young punk and began a brawl with Capone, it was during the scuffle the older man pulled a knife and cut Capone's face three times - Scarface was born. In early 1918, the career of Capone took another unexpected turn when he met the other most influential person in his life - his future wife Mae. Later that year, on December 4th, Capone became the proud father of Albert (Sonny) Francis Capone - Johnny Torrio became the godfather to his son. Such a dramatic change in lifestyle made him reconsider his career, and he resigned from the Harvard Inn and went to work for a construction firm as a bookkeeper. Chicago's underworld beckons In January 1920, the 18th Amendment of the Prohibition Act came into force, which made the brewing, distilling and distribution of alcohol completely illegal. The Prohibition era had begun, and Chicago's criminal underworld, including Johnny Torrio, was well prepared to make bootlegging illegal alcohol an extremely profitable business. Back in New York, Capone continued to concentrate on his legitimate career right up until the end of 1920 when his father tragically died. Without this strong parental figure, he resumed contact with Torrio, who had built up an influential racketeering empire in Chicago. It wasn't long before Torrio invited him to join him, and within a few months, Capone's life took a drastic turn that would change his destiny forever.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Estimating the % purity of marble by back titration method Essay
The values for the % purity of marble that I have calculated lie in a close range, however there is a significant difference, of 4.74% in the purity estimated between the 2 individual values. Nonetheless, the deviation is covered by the uncertainty of à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½4.84%. However, certain errors have occurred that have caused this deviation in the final results. REASONS FOR DEVIATION Random Errors 1. Loss of marble after weighing: After weighing out the marble, there is a small loss in mass in transferring the mass from the butter paper used for weighing as a small quantity of the fine powdered marble sticks to the butter paper and does not react with the HCl at all. Also, while transferring the crushed CaCO3 some particles could have also been blown away by the wind. Thus the disparity in the masses used could account for the different values obtained. 2. HCl left in the pipette: being a manual instrument, there is no definite way of making sure that each and every drop of the acid that was measured has been transferred to the conical flask, this reduces the volume of acid used and such a change in any one of the reading will directly affect the value of the % purity. 3. Air bubbles in pipette dispenser: For this experiment, due to the corrosive nature of the concentrated acid, a pipette dispenser was used to measure out the HCl. However there were some air bubbles that were trapped that cause an error in the volume of HCl that is not accounted for by the absolute uncertainty of the pipette. Systematic Errors 1. Unevenly crushed marble: The CaCO3 provided was not evenly crushed; some was still in larger chunks while the rest was finer granules. This non-uniformity in the texture of CaCO3 also creates a different surface area for the acid to react with and this can be the cause of the differing values of purity. 2. Excess NaOH added in titration: While titrating the HCl and the HCl + CaCO3 solutions the usage of the phenolphthalein indicator causes an error in the amount of alkali added as the titration is only stopped once the colour changes to a pale pink, this firstly is a very qualitative and subjective instruction and also the indicator on turning pink indicate a slight alkalinity. Hence, the actual neutralization point was left behind 1-2 drops back. 3. Unevenly distributed impurities: CaCO3 is found naturally as marble in the earth. Thus, being a natural stone the impurity that it will contain will be randomly distributed and due to this unevenness, the purity will vary with every sample. IMPROVEMENTS TO PREVENT AFOREMENTIONED ERRORS 1. Keep fans and windows shut and cover CaCO3 while transporting: By doing this one can minimize the loss of particles and thus reducing the uncertainty. 2. Carefully using apparatus to avoid human errors: By practice and careful usage one can eliminate the errors caused by the air bubbles in the pipette, errors in transfer and parallax. 3. Marble should be crushed evenly: the CaCO3 should all be of the same texture so that the surface area is kept controlled and this will reduce the disparity in the purity values that have been caused by the differing surface areas. 4. Using another indicator that prevents uncertainty in the exact point of neutralization: If a solution like Universal Indicator is used then the exact point when the titration is complete can be easily identified and thus by eradicating this error, one can aim to reduce the disparity observed in the readings.
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