Friday, April 10, 2020

Sample Essay by Eavan Boland

Sample Essay by Eavan BolandIf you have no experience writing academic essays, a good way to get familiar with this writing method is to read a sample essay by Eavan Boland. The sample essay is included in The Living Quotations of Eavan Boland. He also does some free online reading for students to help them with their writing.The subject of the sample essay is: What is comedy? Boland gives his definition as, a contest between the humorous and the serious, a contest between the humorous and the hilarious. His definition implies that humor is a vital force in human affairs. For example, if we take the ancient Greek and Roman comedies of ancient Greece, there was much humor.The original essay by Eavan Boland is quite long and is over 900 words in length. It is difficult to read, but it does not overwhelm you will have a good time. For example, if you do not understand something or see a word you do not understand, do not hesitate to ask Eavan for clarification. The sample essay is short enough that you can get through it in one sitting and move on to the next.The first paragraph of the essay begins with the question 'What is comedy?' The question is followed by an example of comedy in history. This example is a true story of what Eavan takes to be the best written humor. Another example is considered a favorite by many people who have written essays on humor. There is a story about the clown in a restaurant and the waiter who said, 'Good day, Mr. Who?'The third paragraph is a long story of humorous stories and an example of the humor from the Common Era. This story is the beginning of Eavan's fifth chapter on Humor. There are examples of humor from almost all periods. The fourth paragraph has an example of humor from ancient Egypt. Eavan discusses a famous poem which describes an Egyptian woman's predicament. The bottom line is that humor is a very useful force in human affairs and to use humor without humor is silly.The last paragraph is a review of the importanc e of humor in our culture. Eavan has mentioned the importance of humor in many of his works and readers will benefit from knowing more about humor.

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